
Log Scales: Of minor amusement to certain mathematicians: LOADER SCALES WEIGHING LOGS IN VICTORIA

Loader Scales

Loader Scales are being used for checking what tonnage of logs are being received into a client’s plant in Brooklyn, Melbourne. Supplied by Accuweigh’s Springvale branch, the Loader Scales were fitted to a Volvo front end loader.
The 8000i Loader Scales have an internal database for tracking the total weight of logs received by individual loads, but can also track weights for multiple deliveries over different days.  At the end of each shift, all weight records from the Loader Scales can be downloaded to a PC.

As well as weighing in static mode requiring the operator to pause momentarily while the logs are being raised, Accuweigh’s 8000i Loader Scales also have the ability to weigh dynamically while the jaws holding the logs are being raised.

As well as for receiving incoming logs, the Loader Scales are also used for weighing logs as they are being loaded into containers for shipping. The LM800i Loader Scales are a highly accurate on-board weighing system that can be installed on all types of loader.

Accuweigh is Australia’s largest industrial weighing company and has extensive industry experience with all forms on onboard weighing systems. With eight branches across mainland states providing complete after sales support, Accuweigh is the ideal supplier choice for all scales and weighing equipment.

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