
APEC CEO Summit: Vision Statement Addressing Challenges. Expanding Possibilities.

Five years on from the height of the global economic crisis, can we return to – or near to – the pre-2008 growth trajectories? This year’s 17th APEC CEO Summit will explore what can be done to make this challenging aspiration a possibility.

The APEC CEO Summit brings together regional and global business community leaders for a candid and multifaceted debate on the objectives, opportunities, constraints, and policy choices we face today. Within the constraints set by natural resource availability, ecology, demography, and the financial capacities of each government, how can we expand the opportunities both for our regional economies and for the world economy at large? And what can we do to remove or mitigate at least some of the constraints?

We will discuss the limits and unintended consequences of economic integration, as well as the challenges globalization poses to economic and political stability. We will look at the future of fiat currency regimes. We will examine ways to address resource limitations, to ensure energy and food security, to improve the reliability and robustness of global supply chains, and to realize the untapped potential of the more distant provinces and borderlands. We will also ask how can governments help their people prepare for the new demands and new opportunities of the current decade and century – and how will new technologies change those opportunities and challenge established social structures?

The APEC CEO Summit is a forum to listen to others’ views, share visions, challenge conventional wisdom, and propose bold opinions and ingenious ideas on how to address challenges, and broaden the opportunity set for the Member Economies and the world economy at large, to restore and sustain growth. The 2012 APEC CEO Summit’s mission is to outline the path that businesses and governments, multinational companies and SMEs, advanced economies and developing markets can take to collaborate and make this happen.

Share the insight. Start the dialogue. Seize the common vision.

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