
The 2013 Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony. Nomination: online technology predict earthquakes «TRON». Left 4 days.

Dear members of the Ig Nobel 2013.
Sorry for translate.google, I do not know English.

Last year I was nominated for its work your competition. This technology accurately predict the location, time and strength of earthquakes «TRON». She could win the nomination: Biology, 

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But in 2012, you have not given us a prize. If in this category, these are busy, reward us in  the category Internet, Web or Luxuriant Hair. The hair I had grown to Luxuriant Hair.

Our technology is very necessary for people, but her search for China provided $ 300 million.

PS. I live in Russia and he come for the premium can not.  Please pass it on Miss Conduct.

The 2013 Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony. Thursday
Nomination: online technology predict earthquakes «TRON».
Left 4 days.

Thank you very much.

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